Planting seeds for the future
10% of the world lives on less than $1.90 a day. Some of the biggest tools to fight poverty come from the simplest solutions—training, loans, seeds, animals, and access to a marketplace. Helping people provide for themselves creates change that can be seen for generations. Women in particular experience the positive effects by being able to enter a marketplace previously closed to them and providing dependable income, self-reliance, and even safety, to them and their children.
What we do
ADRA India supports vulnerable communities, in particular refugees, and women and youth, to attain better livelihood opportunities by enhancing their skills and linking them to the job market.
How we do it?
- Identifying vulnerable youth and orientating them on better and alternative livelihood options.
- Identifying the skill gaps and demand in the Industry
- Establishing appropriate tie ups and providing suitable skill training and placement support
- Creating linkages between available skills and the market opportunities in Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka for refugees
- Promoting Entrepreneurship with Micro Grant support
- Advocating and raising awareness on discriminatory practices as well as social and cultural barriers in the labour market in Tamil Nadu
- Promote sustainable livelihood and food security for small-scale farmers in Assam
Ongoing Projects
PRECISE - Dairy Production & Genetic Enhancement through Resources, Innovation, and Community Empowerment Project:
FRESH HOPE - A Hygiene and Livelihood Initiative
Local Economic and Social Strengthening Project
The Northern and Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka is home to communities of which the majority were displaced during the war. These resettled communities still face many challenges in terms of socio-economic development, marginalized communities not gaining required access to resources, lack of capacity of the duty bearers, lack of adequate social and psychological support, poor coordination of efforts among development actors to complement each other and more. As a result of the amalgamation of all the problems faced by them, these communities show an out-migration culture especially among youth in the region. The Sri Lankan refugees in India have been showing more preference towards the return to their motherland (voluntary repatriation), they are still facing challenges in accessing accurate information with regards to the present situation and opportunities available to them in Sri Lanka. The complications they face due to the lack of civil documentation also contributes towards the decision to illegal migration.
Under the project, ADRA India and ADRA Sri Lanka are jointly working “To contribute towards creating durable social and economic solutions for communities that displays an out-migration culture”.
In India, the program capacitates the refugees living in camps in Tamil Nadu on repatriation procedures and empower them through provision of IPA and CPA to offer better service for the identified protection needs. The project sensitizes the government and other stakeholders on refugee issues; assists camps and non camp refugees with documentation support and government entitlement support and with Red Seal attestation support on education certificates. Besides, the project also creates awareness about the current job market prevailing in India and Sri Lanka, and train identified refugees on livelihood skills that are in demand and have more opportunity of securing a job in India and on their return to Sri Lanka.
NEWS & Case Studies

Organic Kitchen Gardens in Tamil Nadu
Tamilarasi is a 31-year-old mother who is also the breadwinner of her family. She lives with her husband and two daughters in Yenambakkam, Chennai. Her

HEROs as Change Agents in the Tea Communities of Assam
Tea Garden community or tea garden labour communities, are multi-ethnic groups of Tea Garden workers in Assam. It is a term used to denote active tea garden workers and their dependents, who reside in worker quarters